Monday, December 20, 2010


dear family,
this week was a little better... well a lot better.  I went to a city called manizales (which is the center of our area) it is about an hour bus ride away from chinchiná.  In manizales i went on splits with elder cox from wyoming.  He goes home at the end of this transfer and he is my zone leader.  it was a really good experience to do that.  I learned a lot from him and he gave some words of comfort.  and i got to speak english for a bit.
So i guess i forgot to tell you about my companion... sorry.  Elder Alfonso is from ecuador.  He is 23 and he goes home not this transfer, but the next.  He is a good guy and i really like him.  but he forgets that i don´t know spanish so it gets really frustrating at times. 
We taught a lot of people this week.  we went to this part of our area to meet with someone we had contacted and she wasn´t there... we were kind of discouraged because it is pretty far away...  but right as we were about to leave, we met another family.  they invited us in because it was about to rain.  we taught them about families and committed them to baptism!  it was really cool to see people that have been prepared for us.   this happened a couple more times throughout the week.  so this week,  we have set baptismal dates for 14 people!  (thats a lot...) 
On friday, we had a baptismal service.  we baptised 7 people!  6 of them are from one family and something cool about them is that before we came,  the mom and dad weren´t married.  we told them that they had to be married before they could be baptised.  So they got married and we had the opportunity to go to that.  So its pretty much really cool to see that we can change the lives of some people.
so as of now, the very best way to communicate is through email.  the pouch mail goes to the mission home and i only get it if i go there or if someone from there comes here so its not the best.  and its like 5 hours away.  but don´t hesitate to email.  I would love to hear from you.
So i will call on Christmas.  i´m not exactly sure what time.  i wish i could tell you more but i don´t know more.  I'm really excited to talk to you all!  I hope everything is going well and I love you and miss you all so much!!!
    con amor,  

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